当我在 localhost:8000/Scan 加载视图时,它会引发以下问题:
TypeError on views.py in Scan, line 27:
form = Scan() # Otherwise, set the form to unbound
知道我在这里做错了什么吗?我尝试研究,但找不到答案。(这里是 Django 新手)。谢谢你们!
from django.http import HttpResponse
from Scanner.forms import SubmitDomain
def Scan(request):
if request.method == 'POST': # If the form has been submitted...
form = SubmitDomain(request.POST) # A form bound to the POST data
if form.is_valid(): # If form input passes initial validation...
form.cleaned_data['domainNm'] ## clean data in dictionary
## check if Tld Table has submitted domain already
from Scanner.models import Tld
except Tld.DoesNotExist:
print "Would you like to create an account?"
## redirect to account creation
print "Do you have an account? Please login."
## redirect to account login
form = Scan() # Otherwise, set the form to unbound
from django.forms import ModelForm
from Scanner.models import Tld
class SubmitDomain(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Tld #Create form based off Model for Tld
fields = ['domainNm',]
def clean_domainName(self):
val = self.clean_domainName('domainNm')
return val
## This creates the form.
form = SubmitDomain()