我正在使用带有自动完成功能的 jQuery tagit。我希望这样当用户点击输入时,如果他们没有选择任何自动完成建议,它将根据输入的内容创建一个标签。如果他们确实按下并选择其中一个选项,我希望它使用该值来创建标签。
我遇到的问题是,当按下 Enter 按钮时,它会覆盖自动完成中的 Select 函数,导致它根据输入的内容创建标签,而不是选择的内容。
以下是稍微修改的 tagit 小部件的片段
// Autocomplete.
if (this.options.availableTags || this.options.tagSource) {
source: this.options.tagSource,
focus: function(event, ui) {
return false;
select: function(event, ui) {
// Delete the last tag if we autocomplete something despite the input being empty
// This happens because the input's blur event causes the tag to be created when
// the user clicks an autocomplete item.
// The only artifact of this is that while the user holds down the mouse button
// on the selected autocomplete item, a tag is shown with the pre-autocompleted text,
// and is changed to the autocompleted text upon mouseup.
if (that._tagInput.val() === '') {
that.removeTag(that._lastTag(), false);
// Preventing the tag input to be updated with the chosen value.
return false;
}).data("autocomplete")._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
var job ="";
if (item.job) job = item.job;
var row = "<a><span class='searchnamedisplay'>" + item.label + " </span><span class='searchjobdisplay'>"+job+"</span><span class='searchnamedisplay' style='width:120px;font-style:italic;color:#A19D9D;'>" + item.specialty + "</span><img src='/images/profile/"+item.value+".jpg' alt='person' width='25' height='25' border='0' style='padding-left:8px;padding-top:2px;' onerror='this.style.display=\"none\"' /><div style='clear:both'/></a>";
return $( "<li></li>" )
.data( "item.autocomplete", item )
.append( row )
.appendTo( ul );
// Events.
.keydown(function(event) {
// Backspace is not detected within a keypress, so it must use keydown.
if (event.which == $.ui.keyCode.BACKSPACE && that._tagInput.val() === '') {
var tag = that._lastTag();
if (!that.options.removeConfirmation || tag.hasClass('remove')) {
// When backspace is pressed, the last tag is deleted.
} else if (that.options.removeConfirmation) {
tag.addClass('remove ui-state-highlight');
} else if (that.options.removeConfirmation) {
that._lastTag().removeClass('remove ui-state-highlight');
// Comma/Space/Enter are all valid delimiters for new tags,
// except when there is an open quote or if setting allowSpaces = true.
// Tab will also create a tag, unless the tag input is empty, in which case it isn't caught.
if (
event.which == $.ui.keyCode.COMMA ||
event.which == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER ||
event.which == $.ui.keyCode.TAB &&
that._tagInput.val() !== ''
) ||
event.which == $.ui.keyCode.SPACE &&
that.options.allowSpaces !== true &&
$.trim(that._tagInput.val()).replace( /^s*/, '' ).charAt(0) != '"' ||
$.trim(that._tagInput.val()).charAt(0) == '"' &&
$.trim(that._tagInput.val()).charAt($.trim(that._tagInput.val()).length - 1) == '"' &&
$.trim(that._tagInput.val()).length - 1 !== 0
) {
// The autocomplete doesn't close automatically when TAB is pressed.
// So let's ensure that it closes.