据我了解,选择组合器隐式地将pzero解析器附加到我的解析器列表中,并且当 fparsec 无法解析输入流的下一部分时,它应该搜索括号。
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open FParsec
type IDL =
|Library of string * IDL list
|ImportLib of string
|ImportAlias of string
let comment : Parser<unit,unit> = pstring "//" >>. skipRestOfLine true >>. spaces
let ws = spaces >>. (opt comment)
let str s = pstring s >>. ws
let identifierString = ws >>. many1Satisfy isLetter .>> ws // [A-z]+
let identifierPath = ws >>. many1Satisfy (fun c -> isLetter c || isDigit c || c = '.' || c = '\\' || c = '/') .>> ws // valid path letters
let keywords = ["importlib"; "IMPORTLIB"; "interface"; "typedef"; "coclass"]
let keywordsSet = new HashSet<string>(keywords)
let isKeyword (set : HashSet<string>) str = set.Contains(str)
let pidentifier set (f : Parser<string, unit>) : Parser<string, unit> =
let expectedIdentifier = expected "identifier"
fun stream ->
let state = stream.State
let reply = f stream
if reply.Status <> Ok || not (isKeyword set reply.Result) then
printf "got id %s\n" reply.Result
ws stream |> ignore
else // result is keyword, so backtrack to before the string
Reply(Error, expectedIdentifier)
let identifier = pidentifier keywordsSet
let stmt, stmtRef = createParserForwardedToRef()
let stmtList = sepBy1 stmt (str ";")
let importlib =
str "importlib" >>.
between (str "(" .>> str "\"") (str "\"" >>. str ")")
(identifier identifierPath) |>> ImportLib
let importalias =
str "IMPORTLIB" >>.
between (str "(") (str ")")
(identifier identifierString) |>> ImportAlias
let library =
(str "library" >>. identifier identifierString)
(between (str "{") (str "}") stmtList)
(fun lib slist -> Library(lib, slist))
do stmtRef:= choice [importlib; importalias]
let prog =
ws >>. library .>> ws .>> eof
let s = @"
library ModExpress
let test p str =
match run p str with
| Success(result, _, _) -> printfn "Success: %A" result
| Failure(errorMsg, _, _) -> printfn "Failure: %s" errorMsg
test prog s
System.Console.Read() |> ignore
library ModExpress
Failure: Error in Ln: 6 Col: 1
Expecting: '//', 'IMPORTLIB' or 'importlib'