I'm new to drupal (using ver 7.22). I created a test site on my localhost and want to upload it to the server (via FTP). I understand how to export the local drupal database and import it on the server... and how to update settings.php. My question is, what folders / files do I upload to the server? My drupal files are in www/drupal. I have searched for an answer and it sounds like you're supposed to upload the whole drupal folder (all files, subfolders). That seems like overkill. For example, if I add a of couple article nodes locally and then want to update the server, I'm supposed to upload the entire drupal folder? I'm used to the standard web model where I upload individual files (.htm, .php, .css) as needed.

Thanks Bill


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在drupal 中,单个节点存储在数据库中,实际上并没有代码文件(html、php 等)。因此,您上传所有代码(整个 drupal 文件夹),如果您在本地添加节点,您只需将生产站点上的数据库与本地站点上的数据库同步。我使用一个名为 Backup & Migrate 的模块将数据库从一个站点迁移到另一个站点。唯一需要来回 FTP 文件的情况是修改实际代码本身。

于 2013-07-26T19:06:59.727 回答