
// Array created to store the query results
$GoogleArray = array ();

//Top score for Rank 1
//Prefix/specifier to be replaced by space for comparing the URL
$prefix = array ('http://','https://','www.');

//The variables will now be populated with values from the json(results)
foreach($js->items as $item){
    $link2 =  str_replace ($prefix, '', $item->link );
    $link = $item->link;
    $title = $item->title;
    $snippet = $item->snippet;
    //Decrements through score for each result
    $scores = $score--;
    $GoogleArray[] = array($link, $title, $snippet, $scores, $link2);


//Find duplicates:Step3:Merge Arrays (one long list)
$MergedArr=array_merge($BingArray, $GoogleArray, $BlekkoArray);


//Find duplicates:Step4:Find the duplicates and add them together (re-score)

$newArr = array();

//sum the values in a specific key of that array
foreach($MergedArr as $row){
        $key = substr($row[4],0);

        $newArr[$key][3]+=$row[3]; //adding the values (int) here ("Scores")
        echo "There are no duplicates";

第 4 步做了这些事情,但现在它就像 $newArr["trimmed URL here"][3]; 我需要按降序对它们进行排序 [array_multisort()] 但由于 $key 的更改,我不完全确定它是否会正常工作。

他们是执行第 4 步的更好方法,还是我仍然可以先进行多分类?



array(30) { 

[0]=> array(5) 

[0]=> string(35) "http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/" 
[1]=> string(20) "Speakeasy Speed Test" 
[2]=> string(109) "Test your Internet Connection with Speakeasy's reliable and accurate broadband speed test. What's your speed?" 
[3]=> int(100) 
[4]=> string(24) "speakeasy.net/speedtest/" 

[1]=> array(5) 

[0]=> string(20) "http://www.test.com/" 
[1]=> string(12) "Test Central" 
[2]=> string(158) "Test.com provides a complete software solution for creating online tests and managing enterprise and specialist certification programs, in up to 22 languages." 
[3]=> int(99) 
[4]=> string(9) "test.com/" 

[2]=> array(5)

[0]=> string(33) "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test" 
[1]=> string(39) "Test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" 
[2]=> string(165) "Test, TEST or Tester may refer to: Contents 1 Assessment 2 Science and technology 3 People 4 Media 5 Other 6 See also Assessment Test (assessment), an assessment ..." 
[3]=> int(98) 
[4]=> string(26) "en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test" 

只是 var_dump($MergedArr); 之后的一些数组的示例


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