I get a crash in WebEditorClient::clearUndoRedoOperations which is trying to access -[WebView(WebViewEditing) undoManager] when I close the main window of an NSDocument that contains a webview with a text editor in it. It only happens when there is an undo-able state. Seems like a bug in Cocoa, but I might be doing something wrong. Any ides why this might be going on? The web view is in a nib and not created programmatically, so I'm not sure what I can do to even begin fixing this.


1 回答 1


好吧,在对文档调用 close 之前将其从 superview 中删除似乎已经修复了它。不过,这并不能解释发生了什么,只是把它放在这里以防其他人有这个问题。

于 2009-11-24T08:10:25.097 回答