I have one source file which describes interface of a class with many doxygen comments.

Maybe with doxygen it can be generated to a html that can be easily read and with handly cross-references, but I don't want to install a huge doxygen to my system just for viewing this file (in my Ubuntu it seems doxygen requires ~1GB disk space!).

Is there any quick/simple way to view doxygen commented file?


1 回答 1


我建议从官方 doxygen 站点( http://www.doxygen.org/download.html#srcbin )尝试 Linux 二进制文件(或源代码)。然后您只需要 11.1MB 的下载量(可能还有 50MB 的磁盘空间)就完成了。

Ubuntu 似乎使 doxygen 依赖于所有可能的软件包(包括 LaTeX),但这些大多是可选的,并且不需要 HTML 输出......

于 2013-07-26T19:36:47.373 回答