I have been playing with Prettify and I got it working quickly. However when I tried to change the font in the css file i can't seem to see any change in the browser. I am using Silver Stripe as a CMS. In the CSS file from the website I have:

.typography * {
    font-family: Ariel, sans-serif;

I have a separate CSS for prettify (and I know it works because the bg color changes, etc. only the font-family and font-size doesn't. Strangely font-weight does work).

pre.prettyprint, code.prettyprint {
    font-family:monospace; /* doesn't work why? */
    overflow: auto;
    display: block;
    font-size: 8pt; /* doesn't work */
    background-color: #333; /* this works */

I am using Safari. I don't understand what I am doing wrong? I only seem to get an Arial font.


1 回答 1


显然 Safari 不正确支持等宽。查看更多信息: http

://www.markwyner.com/post/16123207332/safari-vs-monospace-fonts 在这里您可以找到 Safari 支持的合适字体:http:
//www.ampsoft.net/webdesign- l/WindowsMacFonts.html

对于不工作的测量单位 -pt尝试使用另一个单位,看看它是否能给你任何结果。让我知道它是否有效。

于 2013-07-26T06:57:02.023 回答