我尝试建立一个注册表单。该注册表单为文本框,名为“address1”,在其附近有一个名为“Add Address”的按钮。按钮的功能 - 它为更多地址添加文本框。前一个地址框附近的按钮更改为“删除”,即删除地址框和按钮。问题是:我必须按顺序设置文本框 - 1,2,3,... - 我必须更改它们的名称和 ID。例如 - 如果我删除地址框编号 4 (name, id="address4") 那么所有下一个文本框的名称和 id 应该减少 1。我尝试在 for 循环中执行此操作。这很难解释,所以我只给你代码。尝试在您的 VS 中编写例如 'document.getElementById("address"+n).' 你会发现你甚至没有 在你得到的列表中看不到你可以写在点 id 或名称或值之后。我意识到这是因为有一个变量,这是我认为的问题。现在这里是代码:
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var n1 = 1; //counting the buttons and divs. doesn't decrease.
//In another words - it counts the number of calls to Add()
var n3 = 1; //counting the address text fields.
//It being reduced and increased so that it will represent the exact number of text fields
function Add() {
s1 = "<div id='div" + n1 + "'>";
s1 += "Address <input type='text' name='address" + n3 + "' id='address" + n3 + "' />";
s1 += "<input type='button' name='add" + n1 + "' id='add" + n1 + "' value='Add Branch' onclick='Add();' /><br />";
s1 += "</div>";
var n2 = n1 - 1;
document.getElementById('div' + n2).insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', s1);
document.getElementById('add' + n2).onclick = function () { Remove(n2, (n3-1)); };
document.getElementById('add' + n2).value = 'Remove';
function Remove(nn1, nn2) { //nn1 - div number to remove. nn2 - the address field number in this div
var parent = document.getElementById('barcode');
var child = document.getElementById('div' + nn1);
for (nn2 += 1; nn2 <= n3; nn2++) {
var n2 = nn2 - 1; //nn2 - current address text field. n2 - the new number for the address field
document.getElementById('address' + nn2).setAttribute('name', 'address' + n2);
document.getElementById('address' + nn2).setAttribute('id', 'address' + n2);
document.getElementById('address' + n2).setAttribute('value', 'address' + n2);
// try: document.getElementById('address' + nn2).name='address'+n2. doesn't work (for me)
var check = false;
<form name='barcode' id='barcode' action="" >
<div id='div1'>
Address <input type='text' name='address1' id='address1' />
<input type='button' name='add1' id='add1' value='Add Branch' onclick='Add();' /><br />
编辑:我忘记了您在此代码中看不到错误,因为我已经尝试修复它。在我更改代码之前,它对所有 div、文本字段和添加/删除按钮进行了排序,因此所有现有项目将始终按顺序编号(1、2、3、...)。如果您单击 2 次添加按钮,然后删除第一个地址字段,然后再次单击添加按钮,则可以看到以下代码中的问题。
<script type="text/javascript">
var n1 = 1;
function Add() {
s1 = "<div id='div" + n1 + "'>";
s1 += "Address <input type='text' name='address" + n1 + "' id='address" + n1 + "' />";
s1 += "<input type='button' name='add" + n1 + "' id='add" + n1 + "' value='Add Branch' onclick='Add()' /><br />";
s1 += "</div>";
var n2 = n1 - 1;
document.getElementById('div' + (n2)).insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', s1);
document.getElementById('add' + (n2)).onclick = function () { Remove(n2); };
document.getElementById('add' + (n2)).value = 'Remove';
function Remove(n) {
var parent = document.getElementById('barcode');
var child = document.getElementById('div' + n);
for (n += 1; n <= n1; n++) {
var n2 = n1 - 1;
document.getElementById('add' + n).onclick = function () { Remove(n2); };
document.getElementById('address' + n).setAttribute('name', 'address' + n2);
document.getElementById('add' + n).setAttribute('name', 'add' + n2);
document.getElementById('address' + n).setAttribute('id', 'address' + n2);
document.getElementById('add' + n).setAttribute('id', 'add' + n2);
document.getElementById('div' + n).setAttribute('id','div' + n2);
document.getElementById('add' + n1).onclick = function () { Add() };
<form name='barcode' id='barcode' action="" >
<div id='div1'>
Address <input type='text' name='address1' id='address1' />
<input type='button' name='add1' id='add1' value='Add Branch' onclick='Add();' /><br />