我正在为我们内部 CRM 中的管理仪表板创建图表,但是我在添加趋势线时遇到了一些麻烦。我似乎找不到任何内置函数的文档,因此尝试使用笨重且缓慢的 sql 查询来完成它。
SELECT days.date,
(SELECT count(app.app_id) FROM li_appointments.li_appointments as app
where app_datetime >= date_add(days.date, interval -7 day)
and app_datetime <= days.date) / 5 as average
FROM li_appointments.li_days as days
where date >= date_add(date(now()), interval -30 day)
and date <= date(now())
仅抓取图表上这一行的数据大约需要 12 秒。是否有任何本地方法可以使用 pChart 执行此操作,或者是否有更好的 PHP 选项可用?
$getapps = "SELECT days.date, app.app_id as scheduled
,cnc.app_id as cnc
,dnc.app_id as dnc
,cancel.app_id as cancel
,covered.app_id as covered
FROM li_appointments.li_days as days
left Join (SELECT date(app_datetime) as app_datetime
, count(app_id) as app_id
FROM li_appointments.li_appointments
group by date(app_datetime))
as app on days.date = app.app_datetime
left Join (SELECT date(app_datetime) as app_datetime
, count(app_id) as app_id
FROM li_appointments.li_appointments
Where app_id in (select app_id from li_app_cnc)
group by date(app_datetime))
as cnc on days.date = cnc.app_datetime
left Join (SELECT date(app_datetime) as app_datetime
, count(app_id) as app_id
FROM li_appointments.li_appointments
Where app_id in (select app_id from li_app_dnc)
group by date(app_datetime))
as dnc on days.date = dnc.app_datetime
left Join (SELECT date(app_datetime) as app_datetime
, count(app_id) as app_id
FROM li_appointments.li_appointments
Where app_id in (select app_id from li_app_canceled)
group by date(app_datetime))
as cancel on days.date = cancel.app_datetime
left Join (SELECT date(app_datetime) as app_datetime
, count(app_id) as app_id
FROM li_appointments.li_appointments
Where terp_id is not null and terp_id <> ''
group by date(app_datetime))
as covered on days.date = covered.app_datetime
Where date > adddate(now(), Interval -30 day)
and date <= date(now())
group by date";
$result = mysql_query($getapps );
$date = array();
$scheduled = array();
$cnc = array();
$dnc = array();
$canceled = array();
$covered = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
array_push($date, $row['date']);
array_push($scheduled, $row['scheduled']);
array_push($cnc, $row['cnc']);
array_push($dnc, $row['dnc']);
array_push($canceled, $row['cancel']);
array_push($covered, $row['covered']);
/* CAT:Line chart */
/* pChart library inclusions */
/* Create and populate the pData object */
$MyData = new pData();
$MyData->setSerieTicks("Probe 2",4);
$MyData->setSerieTicks("Probe 3",4);