hey guys Im starting developing android aplications however this is my problem.

I need to create a list like this: http://i.imgur.com/TKRr9aE.jpg as you can see I need the picture, title, description, finally a cursor that leads me to the complete imformation about the selected option. searching I found tools like linear or table layouts, but Im not sure if that will be the good way to do this. my database have just that 3 columns: image(path of the picture), name and description so my question is ¿what will be the best way to display this? Maybe is something really basic, but again... Im starting with android and I love it! is really interesting I need to get in in this world. Anyway Hope you guys can help me. thx


2 回答 2


你想要的是一个 listView 这里是一个很好的起点。 http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/layout/listview.html

现在就包含图片而言,您可能需要创建一个扩展 listView 的自定义类,然后进行适当的更改。

于 2013-07-25T15:36:44.710 回答

您可以将列表视图与自定义适配器一起使用。适配器应该扩展 CursorAdapter 类来管理数据库中的数据。


于 2013-07-25T15:47:43.423 回答