我有一个简单的 html 表单,表格中有一系列问题。如果用户对是/否单选按钮问题回答是,那么我想显示一个隐藏行,允许他们在文本区域字段中输入详细信息。如果他们单击否,则应清除并再次隐藏 textarea 输入。
这是我的 html 表单,其中包含一个是/否问题和一个隐藏行以获取更多详细信息(如果他们单击是):
<form class="form-horizontal" action="#" method="post" id="questionForm">
<input type="hidden" name="recid" value="1">
<table class="table table-condensed table-hover table-bordered">
<td><strong>Question 1</strong></td>
<td>please answer yes or no to this question</td>
<div class="controls">
<label class="radio inline">
<input type="radio" name="question1" id="question1" value="Yes" required>Yes </label>
<label class="radio inline">
<input type="radio" name="question1" id="question1" value="No" required>No </label>
<label for="question1" class="error"></label>
<tr class="question1yes">
<td>Please describe this and when it started</td>
<div class="controls">
<textarea name="question1Details" rows="3"></textarea>
<label for="question1Details" class="error"></label>
<div class="control-group">
<div class="controls">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Continue</button>
<button type="reset" class="btn">Reset</button>
$().ready(function() {
// validate the form when it is submitted
if($("#question1:checked").length != 0){
// yes is checked... show the dependent fields
// hide it and blank the fields, just in case they have something in them
// show the dependent fields
if(this.value == "Yes"){
// hide the dependent fields and blank them
我在这里设置了一个 jsFiddle来演示我目前的表单。我的可选行一开始是隐藏的,但是当您单击是单选按钮时不可见。