我没有使用此代码获得所需的输出。一切似乎都正常,除非您输入 100 - 199 之间的任何值。它在另一个框中给出一个负数,而我希望它只是将余额分成两个框。您可以在这里看到一个工作示例:http: //jsfiddle.net/bFJq2/(输入 100 以了解我的意思)
// make sure both inputs are equal to balance
$('input[id*="amount"]').on("blur", function() {
var balance = $('#balance').val()
,thisAmount = $(this)
,otherAmount = $('input[id*="amount"]').not(this);
// check if value is less than balance
if(thisAmount.val() < balance && thisAmount.val() + otherAmount.val() <= balance){
// if so populate other input with remaining amount
otherAmount.val(balance - thisAmount.val());
// check to make sure amount is not greater than balance
if((thisAmount.val() + otherAmount.val()) > balance){
// if value is greater than balance, just split balance into both amounts
if(thisAmount.val() > balance){
return balance/2;