下面的脚本有效。我试图评论正在发生的事情,以及我想要更改的内容。而不是依赖于按下树莓派 PiFace 输入/输出板上的按钮,我希望它是每次循环结束并继续写入文件时的某个时间(即 5:00 pm )。

我以前发布过类似的东西,但我不相信我在明确自己的意图方面做得很好。据我所知,cron 不适用于这样的事情。

这将在 Raspberry Pi 上运行,因此那里没有很多计算能力,但它将是唯一在其上运行的东西。我想用它来收集数据,每天一次。代码如下:

编辑:我将在 Pi 中添加一个 RTC。很确定所做的只是保持正确的时间,而不是真正改变其他任何东西..

# run infinite

    # stopping condition, change to true to exit the next infinite loop
  done = False;

    # Main program

  while(not done):

      # go through the list of each button and see if each is pressed
    for element in range(8) :

      #Continuously check if a button is pressed on Piface
      #Do things
      #Count how long they were pressed

    #stopping condition as of right now
    #when the 7th input on Piface is hit it ends the loop
      if (pfio.digital_read(7) == 1) :
          done = True

    #this works great, except for that I want it to automatically continue
      #with the script and write the results to a file once every
      #24 hours

  #makes sure that my file doesnt overwrite itself if I hold the button down 

  outputFile = open('lights.csv', 'w')
  for i in range(len(button_array)):
          #Convert the button's time_on variable to a string and append a comma and newline.
        outputFile.write(str(button_array[i].total_time_on) + ',\n')


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