I need to get the hosts (so the actual machines) where the differente tasks (mapper and reducer) of a Hadoop Job run. So I got a long running job and I need to retrieve the hosts where the tasks are currently running. I need this information in an external programm, so not inside the actual jobs.

I know that I can use hadoop job -list-attempt-ids job_201307251119_0004 map running to get the task attempts, but this does not show me the hosts.

I also know that I can use the JobClient to retrieve the host of a finished task. But in my case, the task is still running.

The only solution which came to my mind was to parse the Job-Tracker-HTTP-Interface HTML page which contains the host in the URLs which point to the log-files. But this does not seem like the right way to go, what are the alternatives?


1 回答 1


由于您想获取当前正在运行映射器/缩减器的主机名,因此您可以在映射器/缩减器内部编写一些额外的 java 行来查找它。也许 :

String hostname = java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();


于 2013-07-25T21:48:53.237 回答