如果是后者,您可以在没有任何插件的情况下使用它,不包括 ExecDos:
Var User
!define SVC `$User`
!define SC `$SYSDIR\sc.exe`
System::Call "advapi32::GetUserName(t.r0,*i${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN})i"
StrCpy $User $0
ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"${SC}" stop "${SVC}"`
Sleep 50
ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"${SC}" delete "${SVC}"`
;= ################
Var Bit
Var UserService
;= ################
!define SVC `$UserService`
!define SCKEY SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\${SVC}
!define HKLM HKLM\${SCKEY}
!define SC `$SYSDIR\sc.exe`
!define GETCURRPROC `kernel32::GetCurrentProcess()i.s`
!define WOW `kernel32::IsWow64Process(is,*i.r0)`
;= ################
;= Service::Example
; ${Service::CMD} "ServiceName" /DISABLEFSR $0 $1
; ::CMD = Either QueryConfig, Stop, or Remove.
; ServiceName = The service name to be handled
; /DISABLEFSR = Disables file-system redirection if running on x64. Use "" to skip.
; $0 = Return after call
; $1 = '' '' ''
!define Service::QueryConfig `!insertmacro _Service::QueryConfig`
!macro _Service::QueryConfig _SVC _FSR _ERR1 _ERR2
ReadEnvStr $R0 COMSPEC
StrCmpS $Bit 64 0 +4
StrCmp "${_FSR}" /DISABLEFSR 0 +3
ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK /DISABLEFSR `"$R0" /c "${SC} qc "${_SVC}" | FIND "BINARY_PATH_NAME""`
Goto +2
ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"$R0" /c "${SC} qc "${_SVC}" | FIND "BINARY_PATH_NAME""`
Pop ${_ERR1}
Pop ${_ERR2}
StrCmpS ${_ERR1} 0 0 +4
StrCpy $R1 ${_ERR2} "" 29
WriteINIStr "$EXEDIR\InstallData.ini" "Service" Path "$R1"
ReadRegStr $R1 HKLM `${SVCKEY}` ImagePath
WriteINIStr "$EXEDIR\InstallData.ini" "Service" Path "$R1"
WriteINIStr "$EXEDIR\InstallData.ini" "Service" Name "${_SVC}"
!define Service::Stop `!insertmacro _Service::Stop`
!macro _Service::Stop _SVC _FSR _ERR1 _ERR2
StrCmpS $Bit 64 0 +4
StrCmp "${_FSR}" /DISABLEFSR 0 +3
ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK /DISABLEFSR `"${SC}" stop "${_SVC}"`
Goto +2
ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"${SC}" stop "${_SVC}"`
Pop ${_ERR1}
Pop ${_ERR2}
!define Service::Remove `!insertmacro _Service::Remove`
!macro _Service::Remove _SVC _FSR _ERR1 _ERR2
StrCmpS $Bit 64 0 +4
StrCmp "${_FSR}" /DISABLEFSR 0 +3
ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK /DISABLEFSR `"${SC}" delete "${_SVC}"`
Goto +2
ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"${SC}" delete "${_SVC}"`
Pop ${_ERR1}
Pop ${_ERR2}
Function ".onInit"
System::Call `${GETCURRPROC}`
System::Call `${WOW}`
StrCmpS $0 0 +3
StrCpy $Bit 64
Goto +2
StrCpy $Bit 32
;= I don't know the code you're using but let's assume
;= after the end-user specifies the service's name you
;= copy the name to the variable $UserService. This is
;= somewhere in the install process.
StrCpy $UserService $0
;# This will write to an INI file | $EXEDIR\InstallData.ini
;# [Service]
;# Path=X:\Path\to\service\exe
;# Name=ServiceName
${Service::QueryConfig} ${SVC} /DISABLEFSR $0 $1
;= Then in your uninstaller you could simply implement
;= this into your code for easy removal. I usually use
;= this method in my projects and it works pretty good
;= without the need for any extra plugins.
ReadINIStr $0 "$EXEDIR\InstallData.ini" "Service" Name
${Service::Stop} "$0" /DISABLEFSR $0 $1
Sleep 50
${Service::Remove} "$0" /DISABLEFSR $0 $1
/DISABLEFSR参数只能在 x64 机器上使用。但是,如果你搞砸了,宏中有一个故障保护装置可以为你躲避这个子弹。男孩,那是很多,是吧?幸运的是,这绝不会帮助你。哈哈。希望这对某人有所帮助。