我正在使用 PHP AMQP 从 Rabbitmq 读取结果队列,以便处理发送的每封电子邮件的重要信息。完成此操作后,我需要删除该消息或将该消息标记为已写入,以便下次读取队列时,我不会收到已处理的消息。
由于 Rabbitmq 服务器每小时发送超过 10.000 封电子邮件,每次我读取队列以处理结果发送时,脚本可以运行至少 5 分钟以处理队列中的所有消息,因此在完成后,几个在这 5 分钟内,有数百条新消息出现。这使我无法在脚本完成后清除队列,因为它会在脚本运行期间删除未处理的消息位置。
这让我只有一个选择。在我的 AMQP 脚本处理或读取消息后标记或删除消息。
* result.php
* Script that connects to RabbitMQ, and takes the result message from
* the result message queue.
// include the settings
// try to set up a connection to the RabbitMQ server
// construct the connection to the RabbitMQ server
$connection = new AMQPConnection(array(
'host' => $hostname,
'login' => $username,
'password' => $password,
'vhost' => $vhost
// connect to the RabbitMQ server
catch (AMQPException $exception)
echo "Could not establish a connection to the RabbitMQ server.\n";
// try to create the channel
// open the channel
$channel = new AMQPChannel($connection);
catch (AMQPConnectionException $exception)
echo "Connection to the broker was lost (creating channel).\n";
// try to create the queue
// create the queue and bind the exchange
$queue = new AMQPQueue($channel);
$queue->bind('exchange1', 'key1');
catch (AMQPQueueException $exception)
echo "Channel is not connected to a broker (creating queue).\n";
catch (AMQPConnectionException $exception)
echo "Connection to the broker was lost. (creating queue)/\n";
// Get the message from the queue.
while ($envelope = $queue->get()) {
//Function that processes the message
// done, close the connection to RabbitMQ