可以将 python 命令中的数据添加到 yaml 文件中吗?这是yaml文件:

!obj:pylearn2.train.Train {    
    dataset: !obj:pylearn2.datasets.hepatitis.Hepatitis  &dataset {
    model: !obj:pylearn2.models.mlp.MLP {
        batch_size: 50,
        layers : [
            # We use two hidden layers with maxout activations

            !obj:pylearn2.models.maxout.Maxout {
                layer_name: 'h0',
                num_units: 300,
                num_pieces: 2,
                irange: 0.5,

           #I want to add another of !obj:pylearn2.models.maxout.Maxout{...} from my python file... 

            !obj:pylearn2.models.mlp.Softmax {
                layer_name: 'y',
                # Initialize the weights to all 0s
                irange: 0.5,
                n_classes: 2
        nvis: 2612,
    algorithm: !obj:pylearn2.training_algorithms.sgd.SGD {
        learning_rate : 1e-3,
        batch_size : 50,
        monitoring_batches : 20,
        monitoring_dataset : *dataset, 
        termination_criterion : !obj:pylearn2.termination_criterion.MonitorBased {
            prop_decrase: .01,
            N : 35
    } ,
    #save the pickle file to the current directory
    save_path : ./garbageprova.pkl,
    #frequency of updating the file
    save_freq : 100



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您可以使用PyYAML在 Python 中处理 YAML。查看 主页上的PyYAML 文档和示例。这些应该让您了解如何解决您的要求

于 2013-07-25T11:21:16.713 回答