hi im creating a lift scala application

this is my problem

when i import net.liftweb.mapper._ package the compiler gives me error...

i tried to add lift-mapper_2.9.1-2.4-M4.jar jar file to build path ,but the error exists..!

the compiler shows..

bad symbolic reference. A signature in package.class refers to term db in package net.liftweb which is not available. It may be completely missing from 
 the current classpath, or the version on the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling package.class.

1 回答 1



无论如何,Scala-2.9.1 和 Lift 2.4-M4 已经非常非常过时了。最好使用类似的东西来获得良好的开端:https ://github.com/lift/lift_25_sbt/

它开箱即用,您只需添加 1 行即可添加mapper对它的支持。(之后,所有依赖项将自动下载并添加到项目中,由SBT.)

于 2013-07-25T16:10:45.880 回答