Try combining tiles. For example, if you have 16 rectangular collision volumes for 16 tiles like so...
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
You can obviously combine these tiles into one large rectangle.
Now, things get more difficult if you have tiles in a weird arrangement, maybe like this...
I just recently solved this problem in my game using a quad tree and sweep and prune. (Sweep and prune isn't strictly necessary, its an optimization.)
Quad tree partitions your square tiles into bigger rectangles, then you iterate over the rectangles the quad tree produces, and combine them if they have the same width, then iterate over them again and combine them by similar heights. Repeat until you can't combine them anymore, then generate your collision volumes.
Here's a link to a question I asked about a more optimal reduction. I probably won't implement this as it sounds difficult, and my current approach is working well.
Some code:
do {
lastCompressSize = currentOutput;
this.runHorizontalCompression(this.output1, this.output2);
this.runVerticalCompression(this.output2, this.output1);
currentOutput = this.output1.size;
iterations += 1;
}while (lastCompressSize > currentOutput);
public void runHorizontalCompression(Array<SimpleRect> input,
Array<SimpleRect> output) {
int x2 = -1;
final SimpleRect newRect = this.rectCache.retreive();
for (int i = 0; i < input.size; i++) {
SimpleRect r1 = input.get(i);
x2 = newRect.x + newRect.width;
for (int j = i + 1; j < input.size; j++) {
SimpleRect r2 = input.get(j);
if (x2 == r2.x && r2.y == newRect.y
&& r2.height == newRect.height) {
newRect.width += r2.width;
x2 = newRect.x + newRect.width;
j -= 1;
} else if (x2 < r2.x)
SimpleRect temp = this.rectCache.retreive().set(newRect);
public void runVerticalCompression(Array<SimpleRect> input,
Array<SimpleRect> output) {
int y2 = -1;
final SimpleRect newRect = this.rectCache.retreive();
for (int i = 0; i < input.size; i++) {
SimpleRect r1 = input.get(i);
y2 = newRect.y + newRect.height;
for (int j = i + 1; j < input.size; j++) {
SimpleRect r2 = input.get(j);
if (y2 == r2.y && r2.x == newRect.x
&& r2.width == newRect.width) {
newRect.height += r2.height;
y2 = newRect.y + newRect.height;
j -= 1;
} else if (y2 < r2.y)
SimpleRect temp = this.rectCache.retreive().set(newRect);