I created plenty of boxes in my html page, however I want the boxes to already text inside them that can be changed. basically what i mean is the boxes that I already have are blank, when I input text in the boxes their values change, but what I want is for the boxes to have original text values inside them that can be changed, here is what I have so far... thanks for the help guys,
COMSC-100-5066 Assign.10 by Harrash Naemi | 12164128
function getInputAsText(_id){return document.getElementById(_id).value}
function getInputAsNumber(_id){return parseFloat(document.getElementById(_id).value)}
function setOutput(_id, _value){document.getElementById(_id).value = _value}
function calculate()
// declare all variables
var OriginalServings
var Sause
var Beef
var Lemon
var Onion
var Tomatoe
var Shells
var WantedServings
// get input values
OriginalServings = getInputAsNumber("OriginalServingsBox")
Sause = getInputAsNumber("SauseBox")
Beef = getInputAsNumber("BeefBox")
Lemon = getInputAsNumber("LemonBox")
Onion = getInputAsNumber("OnionBox")
Tomatoe = getInputAsNumber("TomatoeBox")
Shells = getInputAsNumber("ShellsBox")
WantedServings = getInputAsNumber("WantedServingsBox")
// perform conversions
Sause = Sause / OriginalServings * WantedServings
Beef = Beef / OriginalServings * WantedServings
Lemon = Lemon / OriginalServings * WantedServings
Onion = Onion / OriginalServings * WantedServings
Tomatoe = Tomatoe / OriginalServings * WantedServings
Shells = Shells / OriginalServings * WantedServings
// write output value
setOutput ("OriginalServingsBox", WantedServings)
setOutput ("SauseBox", Sause)
setOutput ("BeefBox", Beef)
setOutput ("LemonBox", Lemon)
setOutput ("OnionBox", Onion)
setOutput ("TomatoeBox", Tomatoe)
setOutput ("ShellsBox", Shells)
Here is a recipe for tasty pasta<br>
To change the recipe for a different number of servings<br>
Type the amount of each ingredient.<br>
Type the number of servings that you want to make.
click the go button.<br>
Converted amounts will appear where the original amounts were typed.<br>
Input values And Output Values:<br>
For this many servings: <input id="OriginalServingsBox"><br>
Pasta Sause, in fluid ounces: <input id="SauseBox"><br>
Precooked Ground beef, in ounces: <input id="BeefBox"><br>
Freshly squeezed lemons, in quantity: <input id="LemonBox"><br>
Onions, in quantity: <input id="OnionBox"><br>
Tomatoes, in quantity: <input id="TomatoeBox"><br>
Pasta Shells in ounces <input id="ShellsBox"><br>
I want to make this many servings: <input id="WantedServingsBox"><br>
<input type="submit" value="go" onclick="calculate()"><br>