
  1. 唯一的路径 ID (int)
  2. 组件类型(char - 'A' 或 'L')
  3. 字符串,其中包含该节点连接到的路径 ID 的逗号分隔列表 (char[])

我需要创建一个给定起始节点和结束节点的函数,找到两个节点之间的最短路径。通常这是一个非常简单的问题,但这是我遇到的问题。我的内存/资源非常有限,所以我不能使用任何动态内存分配(即队列/链表)。如果它不是递归的,那也很好(但如果它是表/图本身,如果真的很小,那也不会是太大的问题。目前它有 26 个节点,其中 8 个永远不会被命中。在最坏的情况下,总共会有大约 40 个节点)。


bool shortestPath(int start, int end)
  if start == end
    if pathTable[start].nodeType == 'A'
      Turn on part
    end if 
    return true
    mark the current node
    bool val
    for each node in connectedNodes
      if node is not marked
        val = shortestPath(node.PathID, end)
      end if 
    end for

    if val == true
      if pathTable[start].nodeType == 'A'
        turn on part
      end if 
      return true 
    end if
  end if 

  return false

end function


- - - - - - - - - 编辑 - - - - - - - - -

听从 Aasmund 的建议,我开始考虑实施广度优先搜索。下面我有一些 c# 代码,我使用我在网上找到的一些伪代码快速将它们组合在一起。


输入:图 G 和 G 的根 v

procedure BFS(G,v):
       create a queue Q
       enqueue v onto Q
       mark v
       while Q is not empty:
           t ← Q.dequeue()
           if t is what we are looking for:
               return t
           for all edges e in G.adjacentEdges(t) do
              u ← G.adjacentVertex(t,e)
              if u is not marked:
                   mark u
                   enqueue u onto Q
      return none

我使用此代码编写的 C# 代码:

        public static bool newCheckPath(int source, int dest)
            Queue<PathRecord> Q = new Queue<PathRecord>();

            while (Q.Count != 0)
                PathRecord t = Q.Dequeue();
                if (t.pathID == pathTable[dest].pathID)
                    return true;
                    string connectedPaths = pathTable[t.pathID].connectedPathID;
                    for (int x = 0; x < connectedPaths.Length && connectedPaths != "00"; x = x + 3)
                        int nextNode = Convert.ToInt32(connectedPaths.Substring(x, 2));

                        PathRecord u = pathTable[nextNode];
                        if (!u.wasVisited())


            return false;

这段代码运行得很好,但是,它只告诉我路径是否存在。这对我来说真的不起作用。理想情况下,我想做的是在“if (t.pathID == pathTable[dest].pathID)”块中,我想要一个列表或一种方法来查看我必须通过哪些节点才能从中获取源和目的地,这样我就可以在那里处理这些节点,而不是返回一个列表以在其他地方处理。关于我如何做出改变的任何想法?


1 回答 1


The most effective solution, if you're willing to use static memory allocation (or automatic, as I seem to recall that the C++ term is), is to declare a fixed-size int array (of size 41, if you're absolutely certain that the number of nodes will never exceed 40). By using two indices to indicate the start and end of the queue, you can use this array as a ring buffer, which can act as the queue in a breadth-first search.

Alternatively: Since the number of nodes is so small, Bellman-Ford may be fast enough. The algorithm is simple to implement, does not use recursion, and the required extra memory is only a distance (int, or even byte in your case) and a predecessor id (int) per node. The running time is O(VE), alternatively O(V^3), where V is the number of nodes and E is the number of edges.

于 2013-07-25T01:08:59.103 回答