我在 iframe 中打开一个站点,有一个div我想在其中单击其 ID 的元素#thearea


因此,下面的示例基本上具有10,10x/y 坐标,即10/10从窗口的角落或目标被调用10/10的角落。div#thearea

v = frames[1];

target = v.document.getElementById('thearea');

    var oEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
   'click'          // event type
   ,true           // can bubble?
   ,true          // cancelable?
   ,window      // the event's abstract view (should always be window)
   ,0              // mouse click count (or event "detail")
   ,0        // event's screen x coordinate
   ,0          // event's screen y coordinate
   ,10           // event's client x coordinate
   ,10           // event's client y coordinate
   ,false         // whether or not CTRL was pressed during event
   ,false         // whether or not ALT was pressed during event
   ,false         // whether or not SHIFT was pressed during event
   ,false         // whether or not the meta key was pressed during event
   ,1             // indicates which button (if any) caused the mouse event (1 = primary button)
   ,null          // relatedTarget (only applicable for mouseover/mouseout events)

    target.dispatchEvent( oEvent );

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