I'm working on an image gallery for a website. There will be a bunch of images to include and none of them have watermarks right now. Is there a way to image a watermark over them without having to photoshop them? I ask this because new images will be added over time and it will be time consuming to photoshop each of them. An alternative solution would be to make the images not copyable, but I'm not sure what that would take. Any ideas are appreciated.


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如果您想实时编辑图像,为什么不使用 PHPGDImageMagick库。两者都适合您的情况,并且您可以缓存结果。您还可以检查水印图像中的更改,如果更改,请重置所有缓存的图像。

一种更简单的方法是将要尝试以某种方式保护的图像设置为background-imagefor some div,在其中添加的还包括水印作为叠加层(在 内div)。您也可以使用z-indexes 来实现非常相似的结果。如果您要走这条路,那么您还可以添加一些 JavaScript 来禁用对图像的点击,甚至包括一个弹出窗口,说明该图像受版权保护。然而值得注意的是,这是一种不太安全的保护图像的方式,而且一些人(比如我)只会更鼓励去获取原件。

于 2013-07-24T22:21:42.430 回答