I would like to make the "color-boxes" clear the text on the right but always make a first full line without any jumps. I don't know the actual length of the text so it has to be dynamic.

All the color-boxes are fixed width and height with float left on them. The text area is float right with width set.

enter image description here


1 回答 1


这就是我解决它的方法。我知道我的“色块”高度为 111px,所以我简单地使用一些基本的数学来设置高度。Ty John Sooter 让我走上正轨。

$('.w3').height(Math.ceil($('.w3').height() / 111.0) * 111);

w3 是我的文本块上的类。

于 2013-07-24T22:07:08.777 回答