Hey all i have the following html code on a web page that i am trying to send a click event to; it's a SELECT tag. However, i am unable to find it using the following code:
Dim element As HtmlElement = bbsmWB.Document.GetElementsByTagName("SELECT").Cast(Of HtmlElement).First(Function(el) el.GetAttribute("id") = "aPopUp")
element.GetElementsByTagName("OPTION").Cast(Of HtmlElement).First(Function(el) el.InnerText = "thunder").SetAttribute("selected", "selected")
It seems to be due to the fact that the Select tag that i am looking for is within an iframe of that web page.
I am able to get the HTML just fine doing this:
theHTML = bbsmWB.Document.Window.Frames("ifrm-rtw32").Document.Body.InnerHtml
Within the theHTML i found the aPopUp code.
The HTML code looks like this:
<SELECT style="WIDTH: 100%" id=aPopUp onclick=hideMe() size=20>
<OPTION value=sunny>Sunny</OPTION>
<OPTION selected value=rain>Rain showers</OPTION>
<OPTION value=thunder>Thunder Storms</OPTION>
<OPTION value=snow>Snow Showers</OPTION>
How can i modify the vb.net code above in order for it to look in the iframe instead of the default page?