If you guys decide to put this code into your complier, you will notice that I get a Implicitly-typed local variables must be initlialized
error on the var match
. But i'm not too sure about how to go about doing this check (for text.count()) any other way. Sometimes my OCR will miss a letter or something and if it does, the number of characters will be less and that will make the match
variable return a null...leaving me without a result.
Also, for bonus points, anyone that can help clean up my REGEX expression that'd be nice..i just started using it recently and i'm not tooo skilled in the semantics yet.
var match;
if (wordList[i].Text.Count() < 12)
match = Regex.Match(wordList[i].Text, @"c[:;i]ty[!l1;:i/][5s][tuj!l/]z[i;:l]p[c1:;zs]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
match = Regex.Match(wordList[i].Text, @"c[:;i]ty[!l1;:i/][5s][tuj!l/][f!l1j;:i/]z[i;:l]p[c1:;zs]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (match.Success)
{ ... }