我正在尝试开发一个模块,该模块将读取 excel 表(也可能来自其他数据源,因此它应该是松散耦合的)并将它们转换为实体以便保存。


  1. Excel 工作表可以采用不同的格式,例如 Excel 工作表中的列名可以不同,因此我的系统需要能够将不同的字段映射到我的实体。
  2. 现在我将假设上面定义的格式是相同的并且现在是硬编码的,而不是在配置映射 UI 上设置之后动态地来自数据库。
  3. 数据甚至需要在映射之前进行验证。所以我应该能够事先针对某些东西进行验证。我们没有使用 XSD 或其他东西,所以我应该根据我用作导入模板的对象结构来验证它。




//The Controller, a placeholder
class UploadController
    //Somewhere here we call appropriate class and methods in order to convert
    //excel sheet to dataset

在我们使用 MVC 控制器上传文件后,可能会有不同的控制器专门用于导入某些行为,在此示例中,我将上传与人员相关的表,

interface IDataImporter
    void Import(DataSet dataset);

//我们可以使用除 PersonImporter 之外的许多其他导入器 class PersonImporter : IDataImporter { //我们将数据集划分为适当的数据表并调用所有与 Person 数据导入相关的 IImportActions //我们在这里调用 DataContext 的插入数据库函数,因为这样方式//我们可以做更少的数据库往返。

public string PersonTableName {get;set;}
public string DemographicsTableName {get;set;}

public Import(Dataset dataset)

//We put different things in different methods to clear the field. High cohesion.
private void CreatePerson(DataSet dataset)
    var personDataTable = GetDataTable(dataset,PersonTableName);
    IImportAction addOrUpdatePerson = new AddOrUpdatePerson();

private void CreateDemograhics(DataSet dataset)
    var demographicsDataTable = GetDataTable(dataset,DemographicsTableName);
    IImportAction demoAction = new AddOrUpdateDemographic(demographicsDataTable);

private DataTable GetDataTable(DataSet dataset, string tableName)
    return dataset.Tables[tableName];


我有IDataImporter专门的具体课程PersonImporter。但是,我不确定到目前为止它看起来是否良好,因为事情应该是 SOLID 所以基本上很容易在项目周期的后期扩展,这将成为未来改进的基础,让我们继续:

IImportActions是魔法最常发生的地方。我不是基于表格设计事物,而是基于行为开发它,因此可以调用它们中的任何一个来以更模块化的模型导入事物。例如,一个表可能有 2 个不同的操作。

interface IImportAction
    void MapEntity(DataTable table);

//A sample import action, AddOrUpdatePerson
class AddOrUpdatePerson : IImportAction
    //Consider using default values as well?
    public string FirstName {get;set;}
    public string LastName {get;set;}
    public string EmployeeId {get;set;}
    public string Email {get;set;}

    public void MapEntity(DataTable table)
        //Each action is producing its own data context since they use
        //different actions.
        using(var dataContext = new DataContext())
            foreach(DataRow row in table.Rows)

                var person = new Person(){
                    FirstName = row[FirstName],
                    LastName = row[LastName],
                    EmployeeId = row[EmployeeId],
                    Email = row[Email]



class AddOrUpdateDemographic: IImportAction
    static string Name {get;set;}
    static string EmployeeId {get;set;}

    //So here for example, we will need to save dataContext first before passing it in 
    //to get the PersonId from Person (we're assuming that we need PersonId for Demograhics)    
    public void MapEntity(DataTable table)
        using(var dataContext = new DataCOntext())
            foreach(DataRow row in table.Rows)
                var demograhic = new Demographic(){
                    Name = row[Name],
                    PersonId = dataContext.People.First(t => t.EmployeeId = int.Parse(row["EmpId"]))




public static class ValidationFactory
    public static Lazy<IFieldValidation> PhoneValidation = new Lazy<IFieldValidation>(()=>new PhoneNumberValidation());
    public static Lazy<IFieldValidation> EmailValidation = new Lazy<IFieldValidation>(()=>new EmailValidation());

interface IFieldValidation
    string ValidationMesage{get;set;}
    bool Validate(object value);

class PhoneNumberValidation : IFieldValidation
    public string ValidationMesage{get;set;}
    public bool Validate(object value)
        var validated = true; //lets say...
        var innerValue = (string) value;
        //validate innerValue using Regex or something
        //if validation fails, then set ValidationMessage propert for logging.
        return validated;

class EmailValidation : IFieldValidation
    public string ValidationMesage{get;set;}
    public bool Validate(object value)
        var validated = true; //lets say...
        var innerValue = (string) value;
        //validate innerValue using Regex or something
        //if validation fails, then set ValidationMessage propert for logging.
        return validated;

1 回答 1


我在一个项目上做过同样的事情。不同之处在于我不必导入 Excel 工作表,而是导入 CSV 文件。我创建了一个 CSVValueProvider。因此,CSV 数据自动绑定到我的 IEnumerable 模型。

至于验证,我认为遍历所有行和单元格并逐个验证它们不是很有效,尤其是当 CSV 文件有数千条记录时。所以,我所做的是我创建了一些验证方法,逐列而不是逐行遍历 CSV 数据,并对每一列进行 linq 查询并返回包含无效数据的单元格的行号。然后,将无效的行号/列名添加到 ModelState。



CSVReader 类:

// A class that can read and parse the data in a CSV file.
public class CSVReader
    // Regex expression that's used to parse the data in a line of a CSV file
    private const string ESCAPE_SPLIT_REGEX = "({1}[^{1}]*{1})*(?<Separator>{0})({1}[^{1}]*{1})*";
    // String array to hold the headers (column names)
    private string[] _headers;
    // List of string arrays to hold the data in the CSV file. Each string array in the list represents one line (row).
    private List<string[]> _rows;
    // The StreamReader class that's used to read the CSV file.
    private StreamReader _reader;

    public CSVReader(StreamReader reader)
        _reader = reader;


    // Reads and parses the data from the CSV file
    private void Parse()
        _rows = new List<string[]>();
        string[] row;
        int rowNumber = 1;

        var headerLine = "RowNumber," + _reader.ReadLine();
        _headers = GetEscapedSVs(headerLine);

        while (!_reader.EndOfStream)
            var line = rowNumber + "," + _reader.ReadLine();
            row = GetEscapedSVs(line);


    private string[] GetEscapedSVs(string data)
        if (!data.EndsWith(","))
            data = data + ",";

        return GetEscapedSVs(data, ",", "\"");

    // Parses each row by using the given separator and escape characters
    private string[] GetEscapedSVs(string data, string separator, string escape)
        string[] result = null;

        int priorMatchIndex = 0;
        MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(data, string.Format(ESCAPE_SPLIT_REGEX, separator, escape));

        // Skip empty rows...
        if (matches.Count > 0) 
            result = new string[matches.Count];

            for (int index = 0; index <= result.Length - 2; index++)
                result[index] = data.Substring(priorMatchIndex, matches[index].Groups["Separator"].Index - priorMatchIndex);
                priorMatchIndex = matches[index].Groups["Separator"].Index + separator.Length;
            result[result.Length - 1] = data.Substring(priorMatchIndex, data.Length - priorMatchIndex - 1);

            for (int index = 0; index <= result.Length - 1; index++)
                if (Regex.IsMatch(result[index], string.Format("^{0}.*[^{0}]{0}$", escape))) 
                    result[index] = result[index].Substring(1, result[index].Length - 2);

                result[index] = result[index].Replace(escape + escape, escape);

                if (result[index] == null || result[index] == escape) 
                    result[index] = "";

        return result;

    // Returns the number of rows
    public int RowCount
            if (_rows == null)
                return 0;
            return _rows.Count;

    // Returns the number of headers (columns)
    public int HeaderCount
            if (_headers == null)
                return 0;
            return _headers.Length;

    // Returns the value in a given column name and row index
    public object GetValue(string columnName, int rowIndex)
        if (rowIndex >= _rows.Count)
            return null;

        var row = _rows[rowIndex];

        int colIndex = GetColumnIndex(columnName);

        if (colIndex == -1 || colIndex >= row.Length)
            return null;

        var value = row[colIndex];
        return value;

    // Returns the column index of the provided column name
    public int GetColumnIndex(string columnName)
        int index = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < _headers.Length; i++)
            if (_headers[i].Replace(" ","").Equals(columnName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                index = i;
                return index;

        return index;

CSVValueProviderFactory 类:

public class CSVValueProviderFactory : ValueProviderFactory
    public override IValueProvider GetValueProvider(ControllerContext controllerContext)
        var uploadedFiles = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Files;

        if (uploadedFiles.Count > 0)
            var file = uploadedFiles[0];
            var extension = file.FileName.Split('.').Last();

            if (extension.Equals("csv", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                if (file.ContentLength > 0)
                    var stream = file.InputStream;
                    var csvReader = new CSVReader(new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.Default, true));

                    return new CSVValueProvider(controllerContext, csvReader);

        return null;

CSVValueProvider 类:

// Represents a value provider for the data in an uploaded CSV file.
public class CSVValueProvider : IValueProvider
    private CSVReader _csvReader;

    public CSVValueProvider(ControllerContext controllerContext, CSVReader csvReader)
        if (controllerContext == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("controllerContext");

        if (csvReader == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("csvReader");

        _csvReader = csvReader;

    public bool ContainsPrefix(string prefix)
        if (prefix.Contains('[') && prefix.Contains(']'))
            if (prefix.Contains('.'))
                var header = prefix.Split('.').Last();
                if (_csvReader.GetColumnIndex(header) == -1)
                    return false;

            int index = int.Parse(prefix.Split('[').Last().Split(']').First());
            if (index >= _csvReader.RowCount)
                return false;

        return true;

    public ValueProviderResult GetValue(string key)
        if (!key.Contains('[') || !key.Contains(']') || !key.Contains('.'))
            return null;

        object value = null;
        var header = key.Split('.').Last();

        int index = int.Parse(key.Split('[').Last().Split(']').First());
        value = _csvReader.GetValue(header, index);

        if (value == null)
            return null;

        return new ValueProviderResult(value, value.ToString(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

对于验证,正如我之前提到的,我认为使用 DataAnnotation 属性来进行验证效率不高。对于具有数千行的 CSV 文件,逐行验证数据需要很长时间。所以,我决定在模型绑定完成后验证控制器中的数据。我还应该提到,我需要根据数据库中的某些数据验证 CSV 文件中的数据。如果您只需要验证电子邮件地址或电话号码之类的内容,则不妨使用 DataAnnotation。


private void ValidateEmailAddress(IEnumerable<CSVViewModel> csvData)
    var invalidRows = csvData.Where(d => ValidEmail(d.EmailAddress) == false).ToList();

    foreach (var invalidRow in invalidRows)
        var key = string.Format("csvData[{0}].{1}", invalidRow.RowNumber - 2, "EmailAddress");
        ModelState.AddModelError(key, "Invalid Email Address"); 

private static bool ValidEmail(string email)
    if(email == "")
        return false;
        return new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,6}$").IsMatch(email);

更新 2:

对于使用 DataAnotaion 进行验证,您只需在 CSVViewModel 中使用 DataAnnotation 属性,如下所示(CSVViewModel 是您的 CSV 数据将在控制器操作中绑定到的类):

public class CSVViewModel
    // User proper names for your CSV columns, these are just examples...   

    public int Column1 { get; set; } 
    public string Column2 { get; set; }
于 2013-07-24T17:44:49.253 回答