这是我在映射项目中使用的完整示例。Javascript 通过 Ajax 从烧瓶应用程序加载数据。
JQuery ajax 方法与getJSON 方法非常相似。
#ajax method to retreive well data for dynamic well values, x_pos, y_pos, substance concentration
@app.route('/getWellData', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def getWellData():
#get all samples with that date
date_collected = request.args.get('date_collected')
site_id = request.args.get('site_id')
site_map_id = request.args.get('site_map_id')
substance_id = request.args.get('substance_id')
well_results = wellSubstanceDataBySite(
#return json to updateMarks ajax javascript function
return json.dumps(well_results)
//call the ajax endpoint for getWellData to return position, values, etc
dataType: "json",
url: '/getWellData',
data: data,
success: function(data){
//iterate over each value in the data array and append it as div element to the .landmarks div
$.each(data, function(well_id, well){
//create the mark element, must be all mashed into one line, wont work with multiple lines
//sutract depth_of_water (well.value) from well.top_of_casing
var goundwater_elevation_val = well.top_of_casing - well.value
var mark = '<div class="item mark" id="well-' + well_id + '" data-id="' + well_id + '" data-position="' + well.xpos + "," + well.ypos + '" data-value="' + goundwater_elevation_val.toFixed(4) + '" data-show-at-zoom="0"><div><div class="text"><input class="well-checkboxes" type="checkbox" name="enable-well-' + well_id + '" checked style="margin:3px;"><strong>' + goundwater_elevation_val.toFixed(4) + '</strong></div><img src="/static/jquery-image-viewer/example/images/mark.png" width="50px" height="50px" alt="Permanent Mark" /></div></div>';
if (well.value != 0) {
//append the new mark to the .landmarks div
//refresh all landmarks to plot the new landmarks on the map with the smoothZoom API