I have the below simple query which shows the sum of valuehome
by el2
If i add another column to my query (see select statement 2) and say only show me valuehome
where the due date is before today, i.e. it is overdue, I lose my sum on the valuehome
as the results show a row for each due date
How do I maintain the sum of valuehome
so that i see one result for valuehome
even if there is more than one due date.
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT el2, statpay, SUM(valuehome) AS Expr1
FROM dbo.MBO450
GROUP BY el2, statpay
HAVING (el2 LIKE 'C%') AND (statpay = 84)
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT el2, statpay, SUM(valuehome) AS Expr1, duedate
FROM dbo.MBO450
GROUP BY el2, statpay, duedate
HAVING (el2 LIKE 'C%') AND (statpay = 84) AND (duedate <= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2013-07-24 00:00:00', 102))
Thanks Nenad - thats brilliant help - do you know how i would change my static date in the where statement
Don't add duedate to GROUP BY
- filter the rows in WHERE condition before grouping :
SELECT el2, statpay, SUM(valuehome) AS Expr1
FROM dbo.MBO450
WHERE duedate <= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2013-07-24 00:00:00', 102))
so that the static date is todays date?