I have a page in which I use jQuery for damn nearly everything, thus I find it kind of problematic when jQuery won't load in IE8 (works fine in IE9 and, I presume, IE10).

I've tried all the usual trickery: putting jQuery at the top of the header and I am loading the file from the same site as I am trying to run. I always do these things, but now you know ;)

The IE8 console isn't to much help, as it just bangs on about stuff being undefined, and not having this and that property and method. All i can get out of it is that the jQuery file is being loaded (it finds errors in that too :/), but for same reason it isn't working.

If someone would be so kind as to have a look at it, this is a link to the actual page.


2 回答 2


jQuery 2.0 完全放弃了对 IE 8 的支持,需要使用 1.10.2 才能支持 IE 6,7,8

它们目前都具有所有相同的特性和功能,但 2.0 及更高版本的 KB 更小,因为放弃了 IE 和更早版本的旧代码。

我 60% 的访问者都使用 IE8,所以我将长期使用 v1.x

于 2013-07-24T15:21:58.590 回答

这不起作用并不奇怪,因为jQuery v2 不支持 IE8

它在 jQuery 网站上说得很清楚。

如果要支持 IE8 或更早版本,则需要使用 jQuery v1.x。

(v1.10 的功能与 v2 相同;唯一的区别是 v2 删除了其中的所有额外代码以支持旧 IE 版本)

于 2013-07-24T15:22:41.360 回答