我编写了一个 MS JScript 实用程序(用于 SmartBear 的 TestComplete),它将嵌入在 Word 文档中的图像导出为磁盘上的 PNG 文件。当我在 Win7 和 Office 2010 上运行此实用程序时,一切正常。但是当我使用 Office 2013 在 Win8 上运行它时,将 PpShapeFormat 过滤器传递给 Export 方法时出现“非法值”错误。


//get the list of shapes from the word doc, and how many there are
var iShapeList = DocObj.InlineShapes; //DocObj is created elsewhere
var iShapeTotal = iShapeList.count;

//create a powerpoint object and instantiate a presentation
var pptApp = Sys.OleObject("PowerPoint.Application"); //open PowerPoint
var pptDoc = pptApp.Presentations.Add(); //create a new blank document
var pptDocSlide = pptDoc.Slides.Add(1, 12); //12 = ppLayoutBlank
var pptShapeFmt = pptApp.PpShapeFormat; //format filter object

//loop through the Word document shapes, copy each one, paste it to the Ppt slide, 
//export the image out of the slide, and then delete it
for(var iShapeNo = 1; iShapeNo <= iShapeTotal; iShapeNo++)
   var iShape = iShapeList(iShapeNo); //get a shape
   iShape.ScaleHeight = hScale; //set the shape height and width
   iShape.ScaleWidth = wScale;

   iShape.Range.Copy();//copy the shape to the clipboard

     with (pptDocSlide.Shapes.Paste(1)) //PpViewType 1 = Paste into Slide View
        //Export the image pasted into the slide, to the extract path, then delete the slide.
         Export(ExtractPath + "\\" + IntToStr(iShapeNo) + ".png", pptShapeFmt); //2 = ppShapeFormatPNG            
         ++successTally; //one more in the WIN column!
      //does a bunch of cleanup

研究 PpShapeFormat,我发现了这个枚举参考。但是我很难找到关于 2010 年和 2013 年之间变化的任何文档,也没有很好的例子来说明如何正确使用它。



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因此,事实证明,Office 2013 文档(DOCX 格式)实际上只是压缩目录。事实上,2010 年和 2013 年都是如此。


于 2013-07-26T22:30:12.317 回答