好的,我在Enable .NET Framework source stepping
是从配置中实例化的方式的实现中的错误文件 - 在调用堆栈中有一个调用方式,它将硬编码的值传递null
!) - 我在这里发布以帮助其他可能遇到相同问题的人。
// HACK: The following is a workaround for a bug in .NET Framework 4.0
// Discovery should be possible when setup from the App.config with the
// following three lines of code:
// discoveryClient = new DiscoveryClient("DiscoveryEndpoint");
// Collection<EndpointDiscoveryMetadata> serviceCollection = discoveryClient.Find(new FindCriteria(typeof(IExampleContract))).Endpoints;
// discoveryClient.Close();
// However, a bug in the Discovery Client implementation results in an
// ArgumentNullException when running discovery in this way.
// The following code overcomes this limitation by manually parsing the
// standard WCF configuration sections of App.config, and then configuring
// the appropriate FindCriteria for a programmatically configured discovery
// cycle. This code can be replaced by the above three lines when either
// 1. The bug in .NET Framework 4.0 is resolved (unlikely), or
// 2. The application is retargeted to .NET Framework 4.5 / 4.5.1
// To aid future developers, this HACK will be extensively documented
// Load the App.config file into a ConfigurationManager instance and load the configuration
Configuration configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
// Get the ServiceModel configuration group
ServiceModelSectionGroup serviceModelGroup = ServiceModelSectionGroup.GetSectionGroup(configuration);
// Get the StandardEndpoints configuration node
StandardEndpointsSection section = serviceModelGroup.StandardEndpoints;
// Get the DynamicEndpoint configuration node
Configuration dynamicEndpointConfiguration = section["dynamicEndpoint"].CurrentConfiguration;
// Get the first DynamicEndpoint configuration
// HACK: This assumes only one DynamicEndpoint configuration exists
// No additional configurations will be interpreted. This should
// not pose a problem as typically a client will only access a
// single service instance. This can be extended if necessary
// at a later time.
DynamicEndpointElement element = ((DynamicEndpointElement)serviceModelGroup.StandardEndpoints["dynamicEndpoint"].ConfiguredEndpoints[0]);
// Set the required Contract Type
// HACK: This is currently hard-coded to prevent the need to specify
// an AssemblyQualifiedName in the App.config file. This will
// not typically pose a problem as each client will typically
// only open a single service exposing a single, well-known,
// Contract Type
FindCriteria criteria = new FindCriteria(typeof(IExampleContract));
// Add all required Scopes to the FindCriteria instance
foreach (ScopeElement scopeElement in element.DiscoveryClientSettings.FindCriteria.Scopes)
// Get the Discovery Duration
criteria.Duration = element.DiscoveryClientSettings.FindCriteria.Duration;
// Create a new Discovery Client instance
DiscoveryClient discoveryClient = new DiscoveryClient(new UdpDiscoveryEndpoint());
// Retrieve the matching Service Endpoints via Dynamic Search
Collection<EndpointDiscoveryMetadata> serviceCollection = discoveryClient.Find(criteria).Endpoints;
// Close the Discovery Client
// HACK: END -- Process the results of Discovery
请注意,我假设此问题已在 .NET Framework 4.5 / 4.5.1 中解决 - 可能不是,但我目前无法测试。