I want to try the new version 3.0 of phonegap. Node.js is installed and I tried

npm install -g phonegap

Everything seems to be fine after this step. I use the development version of netbeans because of the phone gap support. When creating a HTML5->PhoneGap project netbeans needs the location of the phonegap sdk but it doesn't accept any path I try.

What's the correct path/location of the sdk?


I'm using Windows 7.

thx 4 help


2 回答 2


目前 NetBeans 中的支持是针对 PhoneGap 2.X。新的 3.0 刚刚发布,支持有问题

更新:如果需要,可以从此处下载支持新 Cordova 3.0 的夜间构建

于 2013-07-26T07:49:15.863 回答

使用 Node 安装 PhoneGap 似乎不起作用,因为 Netbeans 需要 PhoneGap SDK 目录。作为解决方法,您可以从https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap/archive/2.9.0.zip下载 2.9.X 版本,并将提取的文件夹指定为 SDK 位置。

于 2013-07-28T09:04:23.000 回答