Using Joomla 2.5, I have menu item that points to User Manager Registration Form (without language and other staff), it shows just basic fields - username, email, password. If I enter two emails that are not equal, then validation happens and form doesn't allow user to go to the nexst step (doesn't send activation email), however, it doesn't show any error messages.

I am new to Jooma. It is very strange, but I have not found anything useful about this topic in google search. I also tried to find some place where I can configure registration form, but without success. I am using default user registration template (I have just changed submit button class).

1) Can you, please, point me to some usefull links or give other clues how to show validation error messages on user registration form.

2) When user is registered successfully, it simply loads an empty pages? Is it default behavior or I have made something with this? EDIT: I have found out that default layout after use registration is empty indeed. I will change it per my needs, and this part of question is solved.


2 回答 2


我认为您忘记 在模板的 index.php 文件<jdoc:include type="message" />上方 包含(戴维斯悲伤)。<jdoc:include type="component" />

也许您还在样式模板文件夹中设置了一些 CSS 代码 (.error),不小心隐藏了您的消息。

于 2013-07-27T22:30:01.620 回答

问题是 joomla 中的 javascript,它只是阻止提交表单而没有显示任何有用的消息,天知道为什么:)。它甚至会阻止浏览器消息尝试禁用 js,您会看到它们;)最简单的解决方案是简单地删除: JHtml::_('behavior.formvalidation'); 从视图中覆盖并让用户看到服务器端验证。


于 2013-08-02T08:58:32.223 回答