I`m tring to push local brach to remote using IDEA bundled Git integration plugin. When it start pushing I can see in Version Control Console windows something like this

git push origin <local_brach_name>:<remote_branch_name>

Idea show new task named "Pushing" but nothing happen. After that I open known_hosts file and clean it. Now if repeat push action IDEA will show modal dialog with offer to add new setting to known_hosts file. After adding that push action finishing in a few moments. But next push action will not work again.

Added string is different every time

If push using Git Bash problem will be the same. Pushing action for a very long - cancel it - clean known_hosts - repeat push - console offer to add new host - push finished OK.

Any ideas? Should I change something in git configuration? Can it be connected to some network issues?

Update: Windows 7 64, IDEA 12.0.3, Git Bash 1.8.0-preview20121022, GIT_SSH is undefined in my enviroment


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于 2013-09-09T14:42:41.030 回答