I want my site to be hosted like this:
Originally I just hosted the site in application folders in IIS for each culture I support and everything was fine. I had a separate application in the root which forwarded the user to the appropriate culture. This was all grand.
However, now we're going to host with Azure and I need to get my site to fit into one web role (for those not familiar with Azure, just think of it as me only being able to host the website once - so no application folders). To this end, my site correctly collects the webfolder for the culture and sets the threading appropriately, all this is fine. My problem is that now as far as IIS is concerned the page 'default.aspx' does not exist in the folder 'en-gb'. That folder doesn't really exist. I need to get my site to ignore that first webfolder when it considers what content to get.
It's an interesting one, I suspect my solution lies in URL rewriting. Does anyone have any advice on this?
Thanks for the help!