I've been using zuuk:stale-session and I too initially wished it had a callback, but I solved it with an elegant solution (IMHO).
My app has a login template that get's rendered when if (! Meteor.user())
is true. It used to just run this.render('login')
template which sufficed, but it still left the logged-in menu structure available. So, I switched to to Router.go('login') which has it's own layoutTemplate. So now when inactivity triggers the stale-session to delete the tokens for the user, the page goes to /login rather than just rendering the login template within whatever route was left stale.
Here's my code in router.js:
/** [requireLogin - make sure pay area is walled off with registration] */
var requireLogin = function() {
if (! Meteor.user()) {
// If user is not logged in render landingpage
} else {
//if user is logged in render whatever route was requested
* Before any routing run the requireLogin function.
* Except in the case of "landingpage".
* Note that you can add more pages in the exceptions if you want. (e.g. About, Faq, contact...)
Router.onBeforeAction(requireLogin, {