A usual way to target different floating point precisions (float / double) is either by typedefs

typedef float Real;
//typedef double Real;

or by using templates

template<typename Real>

This is convenient, but anyone has ideas how to use the CUDA types float2/float3/... and make_float2/make_float3/... ? Sure, I could make #defines or typedefs for all of them but that seems not very elegant.


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template <typename T, int cn> struct MakeVec;
template <> struct MakeVec<float, 3>
    typedef float3 type;
template <> struct MakeVec<double, 3>
    typedef double3 type;
// and so on for all combination of T and cn


template <typename T>
void func()
    typedef typename MakeVec<T, 4>::type vec4_type;
    vec4_type vec4; // for T=float it will be float4, for T=double it will be double4


于 2013-07-24T12:47:59.730 回答