有没有办法在 Magento system.xml 或 adminhtml 中创建链接选择?

For example, if select1 contained countries, when a country is selected, select2 should display a list of regions in that country:

select1 = 澳大利亚 select2 = 昆士兰、新南威尔士等。


select1 = 英格兰 select2 = 汉普郡、肯特、约克郡等。

<depends>在 xml 中遇到过该选项,但这似乎依赖于单个已知静态值来启用第二个字段,而我希望根据 select1 中选择的值填充 select2。


1 回答 1


I think there is a way. Haven't actually tried this with select but I have with button_label. The idea is to create your own frontend_model (actually a block) and set there any template you want with your ajax code to populate the second select. I believe you have such an example of a button in Mage_CatalogInventory at "Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart", but you should be able to modify it.

于 2013-07-24T10:11:16.543 回答