我在使用 FORTRAN 的数值计算和使用 OpenMP 的并行化方面有很强的背景,我发现这很容易在许多问题上使用它。我切换到 PYTHON 是因为它开发起来更有趣(至少对我而言),但数字任务的并行化似乎比 OpenMP 更乏味。我经常有兴趣将大型(数十 GB)数据集加载到主内存并并行操作它,同时在主内存中仅包含数据的单个副本(共享数据)。我开始为此使用 PYTHON 模块 MULTIPROCESSING 并提出了这个通用示例:
#test cases
#python parallel_python_example.py 1000 1000
#python parallel_python_example.py 10000 50
import sys
import numpy as np
import time
import multiprocessing
import operator
n_dim = int(sys.argv[1])
n_vec = int(sys.argv[2])
#class which contains large dataset and computationally heavy routine
class compute:
def __init__(self,n_dim,n_vec):
self.large_matrix=np.random.rand(n_dim,n_dim)#define large random matrix
self.many_vectors=np.random.rand(n_vec,n_dim)#define many random vectors which are organized in a matrix
def dot(self,a,b):#dont use numpy to run on single core only!!
return sum(p*q for p,q in zip(a,b))
def __call__(self,ii):# use __call__ as computation such that it can be handled by multiprocessing (pickle)
vector = self.dot(self.large_matrix,self.many_vectors[ii,:])#compute product of one of the vectors and the matrix
return self.dot(vector,vector)# return "length" of the result vector
#initialize data
comp = compute(n_dim,n_vec)
#single core
result = [comp(ii) for ii in range(n_vec)]
time_single = time.time()-tt
print "Time:",time_single
#multi core
for prc in [1,2,4,10]:#the 20 case is there to check that the large_matrix is only once in the main memory
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=prc)
result = pool.map(comp,range(n_vec))
time_multi = time.time()-tt
print "Time using %2i processes. Time: %10.5f, Speedup:%10.5f" % (prc,time_multi,time_single/time_multi)
我在我的机器(使用 Fedora 18 的 64 位 Linux)上运行了两个测试用例,结果如下:
andre@lot:python>python parallel_python_example.py 10000 50
Time: 10.3667809963
Time using 1 processes. Time: 15.75869, Speedup: 0.65785
Time using 2 processes. Time: 11.62338, Speedup: 0.89189
Time using 4 processes. Time: 15.13109, Speedup: 0.68513
Time using 10 processes. Time: 31.31193, Speedup: 0.33108
andre@lot:python>python parallel_python_example.py 1000 1000
Time: 4.9363951683
Time using 1 processes. Time: 5.14456, Speedup: 0.95954
Time using 2 processes. Time: 2.81755, Speedup: 1.75201
Time using 4 processes. Time: 1.64475, Speedup: 3.00131
Time using 10 processes. Time: 1.60147, Speedup: 3.08242
我的问题是,我在这里误用了 MULTIPROCESSING 模块吗?或者这是它与 PYTHON 一起使用的方式(即不在 python 中并行化,而是完全依赖于 numpy 的优化)?