
我们知道我们可以使用 vgcreate 创建组,使用 lvcreate 创建卷。卷将是 /dev/mapper/$group/$volume,但如果我们希望在 $dir/mapper/$group/$volume 处创建卷。我看到有人写了一个可以做到这一点的程序,有人知道他是怎么做到的吗?


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它在配置文件中设置(通常是 /etc/lvm/lvm.conf):

# This section allows you to configure which block devices should
# be used by the LVM system.
devices {

    # Where do you want your volume groups to appear ?
    dir = "/dev"

    # An array of directories that contain the device nodes you wish
    # to use with LVM2.
    scan = [ "/dev" ]
于 2013-07-24T08:11:08.677 回答