def GCD(x,y):
#gives the Greatest Common Divisor of two values.
while y != 0:
r = x
while r >= y: #these two lines are used to
r -= y #calculate remainder of x/y
x = y
y = r
print x
这是我编写的原始程序,基于 GCD 的欧几里得算法。它运行正常。我现在想删除上面的两个注释行并将其替换为对我所做的另一个模块的调用,该模块计算余数:
def xy(x, y):
#Gives the remainder of the division of x by y. Outputs as r.
while x >= y:
x -= y
r = x
def GCD(x,y):
import remainder
#gives the Greatest Common Divisor of two values.
while y != 0:
from remainder import r #here is the problem. This line is my attempt at
#importing the value of r from the remainder calculating
#module into this module. This line is incorrect.
x = y
y = r #Python cannot find 'r'. I want to use the value for 'r' from the execution
#of the remainder calculating module. Attempts to find how have been
print x
我需要找出如何在我的第二个 GCD 模块中使用我的 xy 模块中计算出的 'r' 值。我试过使用
global r