I am new to using git and use msysgit with GitGui exclusively because I only need to do basic pulls and pushes.

When I need help, all of the answers I find are given with git bash which does not help me with GitGui.

In order to be able to understand what I am doing with GutGui in terms of git bash commands, I was wondering if GitGui keeps a log of the git bash commands executed for the actions from GitGui actions?

Once I have this I can better understand what I am doing in GitGui as git bash commands and then make better use of GitGui.


1 回答 1


启动 git-gui 。--trace在 Windows 上,它会打开两个窗口:git-gui 和 tcl 控制台,它还记录 git-gui [1] [proj. 维基]
您还可以在运行 git-gui 期间使用CTRL+打开控制台F2,并使用:打开日志记录set _trace 1

但请记住,这些命令是“低级”的,不应在正常 git 使用期间使用。

于 2017-04-04T01:50:31.540 回答