我是如何在另一个 java 程序中启动一个程序的新手!我不知道怎么称呼它。第一个问题是我必须在一个新线程中进行吗?第二个问题是如何调用新程序。我要调用的程序是“wondershaper”。我使用 ubuntu 12.04 运行这个程序并在命令行中编写。“sudo wondershaper eth0 10000 1000”。我如何在通用程序中编写它?我有一个服务器,我想处理它的速率!这就是我使用它的原因。所以我有一个多线程服务器,代码是
class Client extends Thread {
private Socket connectionSocket;
public Client(Socket c) throws IOException {
connectionSocket = c;
public void run() {
String path = "C:/pao/new2/";
File folder = new File(path);
File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();
try {
String fileToSendStr = readFile();
File fileToSend = null;
for (File f : listOfFiles)
if (f.getName().equals(fileToSendStr)) {
fileToSend = f;
//System.out.println("Connescting to Client to recieve the part " +fileToSendStr);
if (fileToSend == null) {
System.out.println("Sending the chunk to Client " + fileToSendStr + "to the client: " +connectionSocket.getRemoteSocketAddress().toString());
java.util.Date date= new java.util.Date();
System.out.println(new Timestamp(date.getTime()));
long length = fileToSend.length();
byte [] longBytes = new byte[8];
ByteBuffer bbuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(longBytes);
BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(connectionSocket.getOutputStream());
BufferedInputStream bain = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileToSend));
byte buffer [] = new byte [1024];
int i = 0;
while((i = bain.read(buffer, 0, 1024)) >= 0){
bout.write(buffer, 0, i);
System.out.println("chunk sended");
java.util.Date date1= new java.util.Date();
System.out.println(new Timestamp(date1.getTime()));
} catch (IOException e) {
private String readFile() throws IOException {
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
return r.readLine();
所以当我阅读客户端发送给我的 readFile 时。如果是速率字符串,则启动“wondershaper”并将速率放入“sudo wondershaper eth0 10000 速率”并启动程序