我使用 Tkinter 创建了一个运行客户端服务器的简单 gui。但是,我可以让客户端服务器出于任何原因进行通信。有人可以查看我的代码并告诉我为什么它不起作用服务器:
import Tkinter as tk
import os
import socket # Required to allow network communicate
import re
w, h = 500, 200
connection = None
def key(self, event):
connection.send(event.keysym) # Sends the command to the robot
def SendEnterCommand(event): # Bound to the Enter key
connection.send("enter") # Sends the command to the robot
print('Sent Message - Enter') # Feedback for the controller
def SendSpaceCommand(event): # Bound to the Space key
connection.send("space") # Sends the command to the robot
print('Sent Message - Space')# Feedback for the controller
def SendKillCommand(event): # Bound to the Escape key
connection.send("kill") # Sends the command to the robot
print('Sent Message - Kill')# Feedback for the controller
# Used to check if the IP address follows the correct format
def CheckIP(IP):
pat = re.compile("^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$") # Check if the ip address value inputted follows the form of an ip address
test = pat.match(IP)
if test:
return True
return False
def UpdateConnection(IPAddress, Port):
currentCommand = "empty"
serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Initialise the socket
serversocket.bind((IPAddress, Port)) # Set up the socket on YOUR IP address and selected port
serversocket.listen(5) # Listen on the socket, up to 5 backlogged connections
print('waiting for a connection')
connection, client_address = serversocket.accept() # Wait for a connection, when there is one accept it
print ('Connected with ' + client_address[0] + ':' + str(client_address[1])) # Print who we are connected to
data = ""
while data != 'Kill': # Loop until the escape key is pressed
def SetUpConnection():
IPAddress = IPEntry.get()
Port = int(PortEntry.get())
if CheckIP(IPAddress) and isinstance( Port, int ) and Port > 0 and Port < 9999: # check if the ip address is of the correct format, check if the port is an integer and greater than 0
#if InputMethodSelection.get() >= 1 and InputMethodSelection.get() <= 4: # check if there is a valid selected input option
print( "Connecting", "Connecting To Server!")
UpdateConnection(IPAddress, Port) # Connect and run the server
# print( "ERROR", "Select an input type!")
tkMessageBox.showinfo( "ERROR", "Invalid IP address or port")
# Add a couple widgets. We're going to put pygame in `embed`.
root = tk.Tk()
embed = tk.Frame(root, width=w, height=h)
BroadcastBTN = tk.Button(root, text='Broadcast', command=SetUpConnection)
tk.Label(root, text="IP:").pack(anchor = "w")
IPEntry = tk.Entry(root)
IPEntry.pack(anchor = "w")
tk.Label(root, text="Port:").pack(anchor = "w")
PortEntry = tk.Entry(root)
PortEntry.pack(anchor = "w")
# Show the window so it's assigned an ID.
root.bind("<Key>", key)
root.bind("<Return>", SendEnterCommand)
root.bind("<space>", SendSpaceCommand)
root.bind("<Escape>", SendKillCommand)
import socket # Required to allow network
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Initialise the socket
print('Connecting') # user guidance output
sock.connect(("", 9559))
data = ""
print('I AM CONNECTED') # user guidance output
while data != 'Kill': # Loop until the computer tries to close the connection
data = sock.recv(1024) # Recieve data from the connection
if(data == "EnterPressed"):
print("Enter Pressed")
elif(data == "space"):
print("Space Pressed")
elif(data == "forward"):
print("Forward Pressed")
elif(data == "left"):
print("Left Pressed")
elif(data == "right"):
print("Right Pressed")
elif(data == "backward"):
print("Backward Pressed")
elif(data == "pressed"):
print("pressed Pressed")
print('DISCONNECTED') # user guidance output