You can just go to GitHub and enter the SHA into the search bar, make sure you select the "Issues" link on the left.
UPDATED 13 July 2017
Via the GitHub UI there is a now a really easy way to do this. If you are looking at a commit in the list of commits in a branch in the UI, click on the link to the commit itself. If there is a PR for that commit and it wasn't added directly to the branch, a link to the PR listing the PR number and the branch it went into will be directly under the commit message at the top of the page.
If you have the commit SHA and nothing else and don't want to go digging around for it, just add /commit/[commit SHA]
to the repo url, and you will see the commit page, with the PR link if it exists.
For example, if the SHA is 52797a7a3b087231e4e391e11ea861569205aaf4 and the repo is https://github.com/glimmerjs/glimmer-vm , then go to https://github.com/glimmerjs/glimmer-vm/commit/52797a7a3b087231e4e391e11ea861569205aaf4
git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pull/*
git fetch origin
git describe --all --contains <COMMIT>
为指向拉取请求将发送到的 GitHub 存储库的远程名称。对于任何给定的遥控器,第一个命令只需要运行一次,第二个命令通常在获取其他更新时执行。
这将导致 git 获取有关拉取请求以及实际分支的信息。它们将显示为远程跟踪分支,例如origin/pull/123
. 完成后,您可以使用git describe
自 2014 年 10 月 13 日以来,这应该很简单:
,我的贡献现在附有对它起源的PR #734的引用。
与往常一样,如果您知道提交 SHA,则可以跳过提交页面并直接搜索拉取请求。
我遇到了同样的问题并编写了 pr_for_sha bash 助手,记录在这里:
调用它pr_for_sha <COMMIT>
,它会在浏览器中打开相应的 github pull request 页面。
I've been a heavy user of the cheeky little link on the GitHub web UI but wanted a faster way that would take me straight there from the terminal, basically a git pr SHA
command. It took a bit of doing, but here's a series of git aliases that will set that up for you on MacOS:
git config --global alias.merge-commits '!funct() { git log --merges --reverse --oneline --ancestry-path $1..origin | grep "Merge pull request"; }; funct'
git config --global alias.pr-number '!funct() { git merge-commits $1 | head -n1 | sed -n "s/^.*Merge pull request #\\s*\\([0-9]*\\).*$/\\1/p"; }; funct'
git config --global alias.web-url '!funct() { git config remote.origin.url | sed -e"s/git@/https:\/\//" -e"s/\.git$//" | sed -E "s/(\/\/[^:]*):/\1\//"; }; funct'
git config --global alias.pr '!funct() { open "`git web-url`/pull/`git pr-number $1`" ;}; funct'
If you're on Linux, replace open
with xdg-open
and you're golden. It shouldn't be too difficult to adapt to work with GitLab either.
Note this will only work if you practicing GitHub flow and creating explicit merge commits.
I've written a more detailed explanation of how this all works here: https://tekin.co.uk/2020/06/jump-from-a-git-commit-to-the-pr-in-one-command