Product –> ProductDTO
ProductDTO –> Product
我在我的 Inputs/Dto/ViewModels 中为 DropDowns 使用“对象”类型,因为我向 html 发送了 IEnumerable<SelectListItem> 并且我收到了返回的选定键的字符串数组
public void Map(object a, object b)
var pp = a.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (var pa in pp)
var value = pa.GetValue(a, null);
// property with the same name in b
var pb = b.GetType().GetProperty(pa.Name);
if (pb == null)
//no such property in b
if (pa.PropertyType == pb.PropertyType)
pb.SetValue(b, value, null);
构建方法(输入= Dto):
public static TI BuildInput<TI, T>(this T entity) where TI: class, new()
var input = new TI();
input = Map(entity, input) as TI;
return input;
public static T BuildEntity<T, TI, TR>(this TI input)
where T : class, new()
where TR : IBaseAdvanceService<T>
var id = (long)input.GetType().GetProperty("Id").GetValue(input, null);
var entity = LocatorConfigurator.Resolve<TR>().Get(id) ?? new T();
entity = Map(input, entity) as T;
return entity;
public static TI RebuildInput<T, TI, TR>(this TI input)
where T: class, new()
where TR : IBaseAdvanceService<T>
where TI : class, new()
return input.BuildEntity<T, TI, TR>().BuildInput<TI, T>();
public ActionResult Create()
return View(new Organisation().BuildInput<OrganisationInput, Organisation>());
public ActionResult Create(OrganisationInput o)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(o.RebuildInput<Organisation,OrganisationInput, IOrganisationService>());
organisationService.SaveOrUpdate(o.BuildEntity<Organisation, OrganisationInput, IOrganisationService>());
return RedirectToAction("Index");
真正的 Map 方法
public static object Map(object a, object b)
var lookups = GetLookups();
var propertyInfos = a.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (var pa in propertyInfos)
var value = pa.GetValue(a, null);
// property with the same name in b
var pb = b.GetType().GetProperty(pa.Name);
if (pb == null)
if (pa.PropertyType == pb.PropertyType)
pb.SetValue(b, value, null);
else if (lookups.Contains(pa.Name) && pa.PropertyType == typeof(LookupItem))
pb.SetValue(b, (pa.GetValue(a, null) as LookupItem).GetSelectList(pa.Name), null);
else if (lookups.Contains(pa.Name) && pa.PropertyType == typeof(object))
pb.SetValue(b, pa.GetValue(a, null).ReadSelectItemValue(), null);
else if (pa.PropertyType == typeof(long) && pb.PropertyType == typeof(Organisation))
pb.SetValue(b, pa.GetValue<long>(a).ReadOrganisationId(), null);
else if (pa.PropertyType == typeof(Organisation) && pb.PropertyType == typeof(long))
pb.SetValue(b, pa.GetValue<Organisation>(a).Id, null);
return b;