The website I am currently working on (http://ignitingthesixthsense.com/launch-1) is failing to reflect the changes I make in the theme files, unless I make a new WordPress page. For example I will update a page template file, refresh the page in the web-browser, and the changes do not show. However, if I make a new page in WordPress, apply the page template I just updated, and publish page, the updates are shown.

This issue is seen across all browsers, clearing the cache does not fix it. And this issue only happens on this domain. I have replicated this theme on this domain: http://jltest.biz/test-1 and the problem is not there.

The first domain (the problem one) is hosted through RackSpace's cloud servers. The second one is hosted through HostGator, if that means anything.

Please help.


1 回答 1


问题在于 Rackspace 托管。我联系了他们的支持,他们告诉他们需要重置他们为我做的网站超级缓存。现在问题解决了。

于 2013-07-23T19:03:21.080 回答