I have a string of data:
I'm trying to split the string into
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
I can easily do this:
List<string[]> values = item.Split( ',' ).Select( p => p.Split( '=' ) ).ToList();
but I just can't figure out the way to get that into the List of KeyValuePair's. The closest I've gotten so far is:
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> values = item.Split( ',' )
.Select( p => new KeyValuePair<string, string>(){ p.Split( '=' ) } ).ToList();
But that's still a bit off :(
I know I can easily do it with a loop but I'd really like to get it working in Linq as practice makes perfect. I've seen quite a few examples already of similar questions like this one, but I can't seem to join the dots between those questions and mine so please forgive me if I've accidentally posted a duplicate.
Any help would really be appreciated, thanks :)